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Visitors 204
84 photos

John Butler Trio @ Red Rocks Amphitheater, COSammy Hagar and The Circle @ Hard Rock Live Orlando 4-27-2015 (8 of 44)Prophets Of Rage (6 of 33)Twenty One Pilots -St Augustine (3 of 16)Sarah McLachlan 3_25_2015 St. Augustine Amphitheater (15 of 26)Dawes-Kingofleon 10-_25_2017 (280 of 677)-EditDamien Rice @ Tampa Theatre 11-9-2015 (11 of 13)Prophets Of Rage (28 of 33)Michael Franti and Spearhead @ St. Augustine Amphitheater 10-27-2018Sammy Hagar 11-11-2017 RAW (139 of 317) collective soul bwBastille - St. Augustine Amphitheater 5-7-2017 (10 of 11)Incubus_Deftones (1 of 24)Robert Randolph Ponte Vedra Concert Hall 2-10-2016--29Moon Taxi @ High Dive Gainesville_ Florida  (9 of 28)Mondo Cozmo 5-7-2017 RAW (78 of 106)Vintage Trouble @ State Theater St. Pete_ Florida (17 of 26)Andrew Bird @ House of Blues OrlandoSammy Hagar and The Circle @ Hard Rock Live Orlando 4-27-2015 (44 of 44)